I was helping a family member make his move and… I found a bag full of some of my racing lycras. I’ve been competing in kite since 2012 and in wakeboarding since 2014, therefore,I have quite a few lycras and… Many others I have been giving away, I have lost them or, go find out what happened to them. In any case, I thought it might be interesting for you my dear readers, to make a ” #licralunes “. Quéeeee?
Basically, every Monday I will come with two lycras and the story behind them. They are not going to come in chronological order but, a little randomly. I hope you like the stories (maybe the next post I will do in video format). Started:

This blonde in the photo above is my 3rd sister; Jacqueline. At home we all call her Jackie, she is 13 years old, she is not a fan of buying clothes and she is dedicated to recycling mine. In this case I was surprised when he appeared with the shirt (the lycra of this compe I do not have) of my first kite competition; the Spanish Championship of Kite de Olas and Freestyle. It was held on the beach of Famara, in Lanzarote in 2012.
At that time I only practiced kite for not even 1 year and, although I knew that the championship would be held there to the ladito, I had decided not to go because of the short time I had been sailing.
On the beach some friends encouraged me day after day to compete and, well, I really like to compete more than eat, I signed up and headed to the island of Lanzarote. It was absolutely new, I didn’t know anyone in the world and I was super excited.
At that time I only ironed raleys, backrolls and sbends but, taking less than a year, you could not ask me much more 🙂 I got a third place in freestyle and a third place in waves (it was the first time I took a surfboard in my life heh, heh). In this competition was where it all started, where I saw that maybe training hard I could get to something and make a place for myself in the world. The fuse was lit.

I didn’t do it when I chose the lycra but writing this I realize that this was my first European Wakeboard Championship. It was in September 2016 in Tel Aviv, Israel. I had never been to this country and, the truth is that I was so eager to visit it that I came a month before the competition to have time to visit the city, to acclimatize and to get used to the park.
There were many things that I hallucinated with and I will list some of them:
– The people. In Tel Aviv there is a mixture of colors that left me hallucinating, people stopped me on the street asking me things in their language because… There it is impossible to differentiate if I was a tourist or one more of the city because in Tel Aviv there are blonde, brunette, redhead people, all the imagibanles skin tones, people with more African or Moroccan appearance, people with the appearance of being Nordic, European … I never saw a city with so many different hairs and skins and, I loved it. On many occasions when traveling, it is clearly noticeable that you are a tourist and, in this city you are one more.
– CASTRO. This was brutal, in Israel instead of H&M they have CASTRO. I was blown away to see shops everywhere with the “Castro” as their name.
– Flirt. During my stay in Tel Aviv I went quite a bit to the gim and walked a lot everywhere and, I was very shocked by how direct the men were, I mean, maybe I was in the gym quietly doing any exercise and any guy approached me very directly (speaking to me in the local language). I always answered that I wasn’t from there, they changed to English and after asking me a couple of questions (where are you from, what are you doing here), they asked me for my phone number and wanted to invite me to dinner. As I tell you, without further ado. This also happened to me on the street… In the end I decided to go to the gym with a friend because in the end they wouldn’t let me train ha.
– Security. At no point did I feel insecure (and I can’t say the same about many other sites that have a reputation for being safe). I walked through the city alone by day, by night… Nothing ever happened to me, I never felt insecure, I never saw anything bad or weird.
On the other hand, being there I had the opportunity to visit the ancient city,the
Dead Sea
… Tel Aviv is a place that I recommend to everyone and I’m dying to come back.
Going back to what we were talking about: competition.
It was my first European Wakeboard, I was super nervous and I didn’t know my opponents, I didn’t know what level they had… I had no idea about anything. What is certain is that I trained super hard and conscientiously for this competition. I got into the final, being the first Spaniard in the history of wakeboarding to get into the final of a European Absolute Women’s Wakeboard and I was 6th.
It was awesome. I loved this competition, I loved the country, I loved its people.

I hope you liked this first chapter of #luneslicra
See you in the water,