Welcome to my website! I’m delighted to present my digital resume through this blog. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of my professional journey, showcasing
Welcome to my website! I’m delighted to present my digital resume through this blog. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of my professional journey, showcasing
First event of the year for Marina Rubicón: the IQ Foil Games Lanzarote 2022
Helloaaaaaaa, I don’t know if they noticed but… A few months ago I wrote a small blog about how to empower women through kitesurfing.
It’s been more than a week since I realized that I wasn’t going to compete in the Triple S (let’s see, technically I did compete
Hello! Do you know the Wind Voyager Triple S Invitational? It is the most prestigious competition in the world of kitesurfing and the most anticipated
After many hours of hitting the coconut with Sima Multimedia,we have achieved it!, here is my website! This website is an attempt to show you
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] That long-awaited time of the year for some is coming… Christmas is almost here! And, you know you can’t give the same gift to
11-12 October 2019 After 2 years, I decided to return to Belgium to compete in The Spin Cup. I decided to go to this competition
This time I decided to do the #luneslicra number 2 in video format and I bring you a lycra, very special, from 2014 and another