2x times Spanish Wakeboard Champion!



Today, November 17, 2017, I write this post from El Gouna, Egypt and, I can proudly say that I have proclaimed myself…

2 times Spanish Wakeboard Champion!!

The Championship took place in the Cable-Ski of San Pedro, in Marbella between November 11-12 and there were about 50 participants (to see if more people are encouraged to come and compete that there is a lot of wake level in Spain). We were very lucky to have

La Liga 4 Sports

to make the live broadcast of the event and, according to whatsapp, we had people following us even from Australia!
The final was super exciting, and I think not just for me. In the first round Gala Heras fell and, guess what, me too. So everything was at the mercy of the second round. In airtricks I could throw raley, sbend and backroll and on the rooftop I made a backside 3 at the top. Once all the finalists finished our rounds the judges took, which seemed to me an eternity of time but probably was not, to deliberate. Finally, I was the winner with 66 points.

The rest of the competition was amazing, the level in general was super high, everyone showed that in the wake in Spain there is level and, especially the base, they come stomping super strong! I was also lucky to have a super collaboration for this competition:


I will tell you more about it in the next post 😉

And, well, to finish, I leave you the results of the competition:

1 hug and see you in the water,

